Jilin Liu House Bentonite Technology Co. LTD

Liu House bid Zhejiang Liangkang Garden East Lake area project

Jilin Liu House Bentonite Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid from Hebei Xingji Project Management Co., LTD. Zhejiang Liangkang Landscaping Engineering Co., LTD. & LSQUo; Procurement project of Sodium Bentonite Waterproof Blanket in East Lake Area engineering & RSQUo; , the winning area is 300,000 square meters.

Sodium bentonite waterproof blanket (HEREINAFTER referred to as GCL) is an excellent new waterproof material for underground engineering. It was first used in a landfill liner system in the United States in 1986. After installing GCL under the geofilm in the first lining of the double-lined landfill liner system, the amount of leakage detected in the seepage monitoring system was greatly reduced. In addition to the advantages of low permeability, GCL also has the advantages of small unit area quality, strong freeze-thaw cycle capacity, non-uniform settlement resistance, convenient construction and low installation cost, so it has a broad application prospect. At present, it has been widely applied in many projects.